Next: 5.4.2 Keyword Writing Routines
Up: 5.4 Header Keyword Read/Write
Previous: 5.4 Header Keyword Read/Write
- 1
- Return the number of existing keywords (not counting the
END keyword) and the amount of space currently available for more
keywords. It returns morekeys = -1 if the header has not yet been
closed. Note that CFITSIO will dynamically add space if required
when writing new keywords to a header so in practice there is no
limit to the number of keywords that can be added to a header. A
null pointer may be entered for the morekeys parameter if it's
value is not needed.
int fits_get_hdrspace / ffghsp
(fitsfile *fptr, > int *keysexist, int *morekeys, int *status)
- 2
- Return the specified keyword. In the first routine,
the datatype parameter specifies the desired returned datatype of the
keyword value and can have one of the following symbolic constant
Within the context of this routine, TSTRING corresponds to a
'char*' datatype, i.e., a pointer to a character array. Data type
conversion will be performed for numeric values if the keyword
value does not have the same datatype. If the value of the keyword
is undefined (i.e., the value field is blank) then an error status
= VALUE_UNDEFINED will be returned.
The second routine returns the keyword value as a character string
(a literal copy of what is in the value field) regardless of the
intrinsic datatype of the keyword. The third routine returns
the entire 80-character header record of the keyword.
If a NULL comment pointer is supplied then the comment string
will not be returned.
int fits_read_key / ffgky
(fitsfile *fptr, int datatype, char *keyname, > DTYPE *value,
char *comment, int *status)
int fits_read_keyword / ffgkey
(fitsfile *fptr, char *keyname, > char *value, char *comment,
int *status)
int fits_read_card / ffgcrd
(fitsfile *fptr, char *keyname, > char *card, int *status)
- 3
- Return the nth header record in the CHU. The first keyword
in the header is at keynum = 1; if keynum = 0 then these routines
simply reset the internal CFITSIO pointer to the beginning of the header
so that subsequent keyword operations will start at the top of the
header (e.g., prior to searching for keywords using wild cards in
the keyword name). The first routine returns the entire
80-character header record, while the second routine parses the
record and returns the name, value, and comment fields as separate
character strings. If a NULL comment pointer is given on input,
then the comment string will not be
int fits_read_record / ffgrec
(fitsfile *fptr, int keynum, > char *card, int *status)
int fits_read_keyn / ffgkyn
(fitsfile *fptr, int keynum, > char *keyname, char *value,
char *comment, int *status)
- 4
- Return the next keyword whose name matches one of the strings in
'inclist' but does not match any of the strings in 'exclist'.
The strings in inclist and exclist may contain wild card characters
(*, ?, and #) as described at the beginning of this section.
This routine searches from the current header position to the
end of the header, only, and does not continue the search from
the top of the header back to the original position. The current
header position may be reset with the ffgrec routine. Note
that nexc may be set = 0 if there are no keywords to be excluded.
This routine returns status = KEY_NO_EXIST if a matching
keyword is not found.
int fits_find_nextkey / ffgnxk
(fitsfile *fptr, char **inclist, int ninc, char **exclist,
int nexc, > char *card, int *status)
- 5
- Return the physical units string from an existing keyword. This
routine uses a local convention, shown in the following example,
in which the keyword units are enclosed in square brackets in the
beginning of the keyword comment field. A null string is returned
if no units are defined for the keyword.
VELOCITY= 12.3 / [km/s] orbital speed
int fits_read_key_unit / ffgunt
(fitsfile *fptr, char *keyname, > char *unit, int *status)
Next: 5.4.2 Keyword Writing Routines
Up: 5.4 Header Keyword Read/Write
Previous: 5.4 Header Keyword Read/Write